Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhone 4s/5 to be released in Fall

For all of us that watched the WWDC(World Wide Developers Conference) that Apple had this year, you know that unsatisfying feeling that I'm going to be talking about. The felling of, well, not having new apple products. WWDC 2011 covered only software, OSX Lion and ios5. Unfortunately there was not any new hardware released, but a time frame was given to when the new ios5 will be released. And as we know the ios5 will be released with the new iPhone. In the presentation we were told "Fall". Yes a season, but that narrows it down to a few months. So no matter how stupid you are, try not to by a new iPhone anytime soon. Analysts are saying late Augest early September, but only time will tell.

Hope this helps

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